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Cultural Flow



Culture of Purpose Executive Team Coaching


“An organization’s culture of purpose answers the critical questions of who it is and why it exists. They have a culture of purpose beyond making a profit.  A culture of purpose guides behavior, influences strategy, transcends leaders–and endures.”


"Organizations that focus beyond profit and instill a strong sense of purpose among their employees are more likely to find long-term success.”  -- 2013 Deloitte survey




We think that because we are physicians, nurses or members of the healthcare team that our "purpose" is self-evident.  Yet so many teams consistently get the message that efficiency and produtivity trump the patient relationship or the healing experience.


It is first and foremost the healthcare executive leadership team that is  accountable for creating a Culture of Purpose.   This is a two-fold responsibility:  first, through authentic articulaiton and personal embodiment of Purpose,  and second, through executive decisions that are in alignment with Purpose.


The Culture of Purpose Executive Team Coaching program is a 6-month process that engages the entire healthcare leadership team with the objective of having each person invest in Purpose.


The process begins with an initial Honest Conversation About Purpose, then moves to the Personal Values and Purpose Workshop and Leadership With Purpose Workshop, and then cultimates in an a Leading a Culture of Purpose Summit.  

Cultural Flow is a personal state of belonging and contributing to an organization whose purpose is worthy, and whose values are aligned with personal values
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